One thing that will make 2013 a great year is my current project: another baby!
I'm nervous about how this will change my personal time, but I know it will eventually all balance out and our family will find the new normal. We're expecting around the first of April, and I'm getting more and more excited to see who that new little person is.
We found out we were expecting at the end of last summer, and that sort of killed my knitting and sewing mojo for a couple months. I worked on small things like socks and cowls, but not with any kind of plan. I started to get back into sewing in mid-October when my regular clothes no longer fit, and I discovered that I hated all my maternity clothes from my last pregnancy. I've made some things I love, but more on that later.
With all this retrospective on my emotional and mental state during 2012, I thought I'd like to add up my knitting and sewing projects in 2012, and show myself it wasn't a total wash. Yeah, it wasn't an ideal year, but I did find a lot of space to be creative. So here goes.
Accessories: 25 total
- 5 cowls (4 for me, 1 as a gift)
- 4 shawls, 2 of which were very lacy in laceweight
- 2 scarves (made of scraps, total stash-buster)
- 10 hats or headbands
- 1 pair mittens
- 3 pair socks (only 1 pair made it to Ravelry)
- 2 home dec placemats (1 for me, 1 set of 3 items as a gift)
Sweaters: 8 total
- 1 pullover
- 1 vest
- 3 long cardigans
- 1 cropped cardigan
- 1 toddler cardigan
- 1 tee
- 1 huge couch blanket (crochet)
- 4 place mats (1 for me, 3 as a gift set; crochet)
Types of knitting:
- 3 very lacy projects in lace weight
- 3 crochet projects
- 6 fair isle/stranded knitting projects
- 4 projects with cables (although 2 of them were the same pattern)
Things I was really not happy with: 5 (3 of which I left unfinished)
Things I loved completely: 14
- Dresses: 3
- tops: 2
- tees: 1
- skirts: 2
- maternity shirts: 4
- maternity dresses: 4
- Total posts: 27
- Months without posts: 6